A Simple Image Comparing Slider - Demo

This is a vanilla javascript component to compare two images with a slider. Inspired from CodyHouse's jQuery plugin

Photo courtesy of Gratisography

Usage example

Using the scripts form cdn

Include the following in your html file:

                    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <script src="https://esm.sh/@armino-dev/comparing-slider/dist/comparing-slider.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://esm.sh/@armino-dev/comparing-slider/dist/comparing-slider.min.css" />
    <div id="hero-container"></div>

    ...the rest of your HTML...
    <script type="text/javascript">
        const options = {
            containerId: 'hero-container',
            left: {
                // replace this with your image
                image: 'images/gratisography-reindeer-dog-bw.jpg',
                alt: 'Reindeer Dog in black and white'
            right: {
                // replace this with your image
                image: 'images/gratisography-reindeer-dog.jpg',
                alt: 'Reindeer Dog in color'

         window.addEventListener("load", function () {

Using the component ES6 style

First install the component from npm

                    npm install @armino-dev/comparing-slider

Import comparing slider styles in your css file

                    @import '@armino-dev/comparing-slider/dist/comparing-slider.min.css';

Import the component in your javascript file

                    import ComparingSlider from '@armino-dev/comparing-slider';

const options = {
    containerId: 'hero-container',
    left: {
        // replace this with your image
        image: 'images/gratisography-reindeer-dog-bw.jpg',
        alt: 'Reindeer Dog in black and white'
    right: {
        // replace this with your image
        image: 'images/gratisography-reindeer-dog.jpg',
        alt: 'Reindeer Dog in color'

window.addEventListener("load", function () {